Ferramentas gratuitas

Gerador de faturas gratuito

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Criar faturas

Faturamento rápido e fácil

O gerador de fatura online da Shopify facilita sua vida na hora de fazer cobranças.

Simplesmente preencha as informações e crie uma fatura na hora. Você pode salvar, imprimir ou enviar a fatura por e-mail diretamente para os seus clientes. O gerador de faturas da Shopify usa um modelo profissional que inclui todas as informações necessárias para ter um faturamento simples, consistente e preciso.

Digite as informações da sua empresa

Etapa 1 de 3

Ao digitar seu e-mail, você concorda em receber e-mail marketing da Shopify.

Use o seu dispositivo para fazer o upload do logo.

Nenhum arquivo selecionado

Digite as informações do cliente e da fatura

Etapa 2 de 3

Digite os itens que você deseja cobrar

Etapa 3 de 3

Junte-se aos diversos clientes satisfeitos que amam nossa ferramenta

Avaliação média: 4,29 / 5 de 171

How To Create an Invoice

Creating an invoice is a breeze with the user-friendly tool. To create your custom invoice:

  • 1. Fill in the required information: Begin by entering the invoice details, including your business name, contact information, and your client's contact information.
  • 2. Customize the invoice: To inject a professional touch, add your logo. Reinforce your brand identity, add your logo to the invoice generator so it shows up on your business invoices.
  • 3. Add billed items: Include all the items you need to bill your client for. Use the Add a Line Item button to specify all pertinent details. You can also add information about the service or products you provided, their quantity, your hourly pay rate, and/or any applicable discounts.
  • 4. Add notes or a memo: If you need to provide additional context or include a message for your client, you can add notes in the memo section.
  • 5. Check the total amount and edit tax: Review the total amount calculated by the tool. You can edit the tax line to reflect the tax rate for your region, or edit it to account for other tax exemptions.
  • 6. Generate invoice: Once you've filled out the necessary information in the tool and reviewed the invoice, click the Submit button. Your completed invoice will be sent directly to your email address.
  • 7. Download your invoice: Open your email, find the invoice, and download it as a PDF file. You can now send it to your client.

What To Include in an Invoice

When creating an invoice include:

  • 1. Your name, address, and contact information: Provide your business details so your client knows who the invoice is from.
  • 2. Client's name, address, and contact details: Include your client's information to ensure the invoice is addressed correctly.
  • 3. Description of services rendered: Briefly explain the products or services you provided to your client.
  • 4. Date of service: Specify the date or period when the services were rendered.
  • 5. Total amount: Clearly state the total amount due, including any additional fees or taxes.
  • 6. Payment terms: Outline the payment terms, the due date, and accepted payment methods.

By including this information, you facilitate prompt payment by outlining the reason for and terms of the invoice.

How To Send Invoices

Deliver your invoice using a method that works best for you and your client. Here are two options:

  • 1. Mail: If you prefer an analogue approach, you can print the invoice and send the paper invoice by mail. This method involves having the postal system deliver it to your client's physical location. It can be useful when dealing with clients who prefer paper documents or in situations where an electronic delivery may not be feasible.
  • 2. Email: Sending the invoice via email is quick and convenient. Since the invoice is generated as a PDF, attach that to an email to send it to your client. This method is instant, reduces costs associated with printing and postage, you can guarantee they’ll receive it, and it provides your client with a copy they can save or print.

When sending your invoice, include a brief message. Here's an example:

Hi [Client's Name],

I hope you're doing well. Your invoice for the services provided on [date] is now available. Please find detailed information about the [products/services] we’ve provided and the total amount due.

If you have any questions about this invoice, please let me know.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

When To Send Invoices

Send invoices promptly after completing the work or delivering the products.

When it comes to setting payment terms, it's important to be clear. Specify the due date for payment and any potential late payment fees or early payment discounts. You should also align with your industry best practices and standards for invoicing.

Tips for Getting Paid on Time

  • Monitor payment status: Keep track of your invoices and monitor payment statuses. This allows you to follow up on any overdue payments promptly and address any issues that may arise.
  • Follow up with reminders: Send friendly payment reminders a few days before the due date and shortly after, if payment is not received.
  • Offer convenient payment options: Provide various payment methods such as bank transfers, credit cards, or online payment platforms. Offering flexibility makes it easier for clients to pay you promptly.
  • Encourage timely payments: Offer incentives for prompt payment, such as discounts for early payment or flexible installment plans. Clearly communicate terms and conditions, including the option of late payment fees, to foster understanding and prioritize timely payments.


O gerador de faturas é gratuito tanto para uso comercial quanto pessoal. Use o quanto quiser, compartilhe com seus colegas ou poste um link no seu blog.

Não. O gerador de fatura pode seu usado por qualquer pessoa. Nós o criamos para oferecer às empresas uma ferramenta simples para gerar faturas, sem ter que fazer nenhum cadastro.

Embora essas faturas contenham as informações gerais necessárias de impostos, recomendamos que você entre em contato com seu contador antes de usá-las como documentação oficial.

Se você está procurando mais informações sobre práticas contábeis para pequenas empresas, leia esse post.

Claro! Na nossa página de ferramentas temos mais ferramentas gratuitas, tais como o gerador de códigos QR, o gerador de políticas de privacidade e o gerador de códigos de barras.